Same great bag with super easy one-hand opening magnetic closure! We've also upped the bar retention game on this bag by offering as part of the package!
The English word "pierogi" comes from Polish pierogi, which is the plural form of pieróg, a generic term for filled dumplings.
A regional favorite here in Pennsylvania, we figured there wasn't a better name for a bar bag that's going to be stuffed with all sorts of goodness. The shape might not be a dead ringer for the doughy delights, but is pretty close, and perhaps a little more aero.
These bags work well on drop bars, flat bars, and even a number of alt bars like the Jones and Surly Moloko. On the Jones it actually allows for use inside the Loop!
- #Solarsewn in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania
-7" wide, 6" tall, and 3" deep